Friday, September 19, 2008

The Life-changing power of the Bible

The Life-changing power of the Bible

History has proven that the Bible is the widely read book throughout the world since time immemorial. It is admittedly a fascinating book most people, especially the pious, read with utmost reverence. To say that it is the most and widely read book is quite intriguing in a way it has changed so many lives. Take for instance C.S. Lewis—considered to be the most influential Christian intellectual of the modern time—in his attempt to dig the fallibility and incoherence of the Bible, found himself cinched and gripped by the haunting truth of God’s undeniable existence.
What is there in the Bible that shaped human lives and history?
At the heart of the Bible is God’s message of love—tremendous love. Even to say tremendous is an understatement. Encompassing, perhaps might best describe it. The Bible will reveal that it was never God’s plan that man fall under the snare of the devil. All He wanted was for man to live in abundance and blessedness. However, man fell anyway so God wrote the story of His “encompassing love.”
The Bible can never contain the Words of God. It is too small to tell of God’s story. The whole Bible is the summary of God’s plan to redeem humankind. It is the “story of salvation” to bring back all that was lost. Jesus Christ was the focal point of God’s plan of redemption. God manifested His undying, unfailing, and unconditional love to all humankind by sending His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ who was to die to save us from eternal damnation. The Bible says, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” This is the great promise of God.
God’s words contained in the Bible proved to be powerful. They are the lifeblood that energized every Christian to serve Him. Countless martyrs had already tread the narrow road to salvation: the early Christians and the apostles, Agustin, Benedict, Martin Luther, John Bunyan, Hudson Taylor, Dietrich Bon Hoeffer, Fanny Crosby, Mother Teresa of Calcutta, contemporaries Bill Graham and Bro. Yun; and many other countless lives and saints who were never written in the history who gave up their lives for the love of God. You might ask, how could have these people given up their lives to serve God? Faith. This is the stronghold that contains the heart of every believer. It is God’s power through His words that changed their lives radically.
I cannot forget how God’s Words moved through me. I was myself a qualified and professed skeptic when it comes to God’s word. However, it was in the year 2001 when God caused my heart to seek and long for something I could not understand. It was after a friend of mine introduced God’s Words to me through a Bible study. I must admit I was fascinated by the story. Everything was interesting. But it never came into my mind to believe what was all written in it. My friend was patient. She knew it was beyond her power to change a heart. It was the power of God’s Holy Spirit to move a heart to contrition and recognize His Lordship over one’s life. And she had faith.
Her patience has paid off when sometime in 2001, my heart was already heavy with emptiness and a longing for a deeper meaning and purpose of life. I woke up in the morning with a fresh feeling and expectation that I would meet God that day; and I did when my footsteps brought me to the church where my friend attended. She could not describe her emotions the moment she saw me at the doorstep of Hilltop Baptist Church. That was the beginning of a more profound seeking to encounter God through the Bible. It became a food to me everyday, always seeking to know the plan God has for me. Without my knowing it, God has brought miracles upon miracles. His promises in the Bible proved true. He will never leave those who believe in Him and abide in Him. My salvation has come and my faith was strengthened by reading His words. Everyday was always fresh and new. Everyday was filled with joyous expectation and belief that no matter what happens, God will always protect me and provide me. And true enough, when I happened to live in place where I could depend on no one but my closest and bestfriend (who himself was also a Christian and seeking for an opportunity to work), provisions after provisions flooded in. Protection after protection was given. Joy and happiness was there. It was during that time when my questions about life ended. God has put faith into my heart. My friend recounted that he saw a miracle in my life.
Countless books are not enough to tell the miracles of how God’s words has changed lives. The human mind is limited in its understanding and wisdom how God could completely make a 360 degrees turnaround to single soul. Even the one affected could not even fathom this mystery. It is beyond our human mind and only faith can explain that. Only faith, where God’s wisdom lies, is the only one that explains the things beyond our understanding.

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