Friday, September 19, 2008

Ancient Rose

O, thou poor Soul of old
Lost in the realms of ancient told
That once cast shadow upon man’s crown.

Thy have gained thine reign
And begot our life
But the ancient foe smudged thy pure delight

O, wence forth shall thy sons abode
From the pelting tempest of wrath
Of perpetual dark pursued

Great men have searched thee
Countless lives scorned to protect thee
How long shall thy sons hide from under?

O, our earnest hearts await
Great a time of truth been sealed
Come forth, and take heed and free mine spirit

O ancient Rose, where thou hast lay
That I may pay homage to thee
And seal this fate of mine into eternity.

O, let the stars speak thy words
The skies unveil thy throne
Let nothing now contain thy silence.

O Ancient Rose …
Let thy time come
And speak to thy sons that long wait be gone.

1 comment:

still wind said...

very poetic!!!!and historic...